A Guide On Drink Driving Offense In Singapore

Drink Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents and injuries worldwide. For decades now, governments have been trying to fight it by introducing more stringent laws and penalties for drunk driving and more vigorous traffic control.

Despite some success, there are still drivers out there who even drive under the influence, putting themselves and other people in danger. In Singapore, the government is battling drunk drivers with very harsh regulations, laws, and penalties. Since these laws got implemented, the level of accidents caused by driving under the influence has fallen. Criminal Lawyer Singapore is one such firm that handles these kinds of cases and tries its best to help its clients come out from this Drink Driving Offense in Singapore legally and effortlessly.

In Singapore, if the driver has over 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 ml of breath or other than 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, he will be considered drunk and fined by the police.

In some cases, the breath analyzer is not accurate enough, so the police will take blood samples to be sure. However, suppose you stop by the police and take the breath analyzer test under the legal limits. In that case, they still have the right to issue a fine even if your alcohol level is five microgrammes, which is nothing. If anybody gets caught in this Drink Driving Offense in Singapore, you can hire a criminal lawyer for your case. For that, Criminal Lawyer Singapore comes into action. Our lawyers are experts and can resolve your issue in less time. So, there is zero-tolerance for alcohol, and you should keep that in mind.

Penalties in Singapore are very harsh, and for a first offense here, the fine is from $1,000 to $5,000, or you can spend six months in jail. However, if you get caught for the second time, you will be fined between $3,000 and $10,000, and you will spend 12 months in jail! Let us repeat this once again. If you get caught the second time, you will go to jail for a whole year!

For people who get caught a third time or more, the punishment is even worse – up to a $30,000 fine and three years in jail! We are sure that there is no drink more important than losing your freedom. But this is not the end, these penalties are only for being caught driving under the influence, and if you cause an accident or injury, you can expect even more brutal punishment and longer jail time.

Typically, the first factor any court will consider is the alcohol level found in the offender’s blood or breath when the offense occurred. This situation is especially actual for first-time offenses with no aggravating factors. The legal limit for alcohol in a person’s body is 35 µg of alcohol per 100 ml of breath or 80 µg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. A person may not be guilty of an offense if their breath or blood alcohol does not surpass the stated limit.

Thus, choose Criminal Lawyer Singapore for solving and helping you out with this drunk driving offense. To get complete information regarding Criminal Lawyer Fees in Singapore, check out our website; you will surely get all the info in detail.
